Wednesday, June 3, 2009


It's not recycle--not even re-use. It's ReGive. Let a message live... let a moment happen twice, three, seven. In two ways from one. Interpreted same or a whole new meaning. Wow- what it can be. Can we understand? We give to charitys. We feel good. We pass on messages. We feel good. We help. Can a saying mean so much? Can it save us in our struggles, the hardships, the bad times. Can it celebrate the good times. Over and over, from one to the next. Intense—you may not think so. But could it be the makeover we need. To be in touch and hold to the promises we make to ourselves and others. Can one that is passed on and on make that big of an impact. Would we know or would we feel it? Maybe I get to deep about this but maybe its just my passionate shining through. I bet I can make it happen. Could this be the “new” way to feel good, the next “pay it forward.” An evolution of sentiment.


And the benefits of saving the environment. The feel-good in that. One more thing to extend a year to the aging earth due to our everyday destruction or carelessness. I know we don’t all recycle—plastic bottles, cans—even the best can’t be perfect. I don’t pretend I do my part. I have guilt there just like I have guilt for my others. I could see this being easy. A quick fix to a glitch under discovered and unknown. The waste of paper but is thoughtfulness a waste… Money spent virtually down the drain but for touching someone’s heart. It’s sort of a win. I wonder if I should think of how it could be inconvenienced or hurtful in some way. I guess I have a lot to think about. But as my first blog, I’ll work it out in the eyes of the public. With your input. Your push. Just thoughts.. merely thoughts I hope to become actions.

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