Sunday, May 31, 2009

Care to challenge, one card at a time

Recently I have been thinking about the greeting cards I receive.. and the greeting cards I buy. And about the cost they are.  So expensive. And I think- "they are just going to throw this away." I could put that $4.00 + tax towards the gift I am giving. Or save a little pocket change. But pocket change- yay, right! These things cost $3.95, $2.50, $4.20 a pop.. need I say more? Musical cards-- forget it. I am not trying to put the Greeting Card makers out of business-- I just am struggling with all the purchases of these cards. And yes, we have those "savers" out there. In fact, my mother saves all her christmas cards. She is smart like that, using them at Christmas to spruce up a wrapped present or even that paper bag she wrapped in. She just cuts the front off, with its decked out Christmas tree or Santa's sleigh and tiny reindeer. And she tapes it on a package, just like that. "To Natasia, From Santa." A great way to use them. Sometimes she even cuts them to show the white part with the red greeting saying"Happy Holidays and a very Merry Christmas." Perfect for a gift tag. But does it stop there? Yes, what happens.. we throw them a way with the wrapping paper. Gone. Sure we could recycle them to be in the next recycled greeting card. Yes, what a cool concept. But guess who will be in the store paying double the price of a normal card for it. Am I paying for the processing to save the environment? Aren't we paying enough in our lungs and our soul? Do I really need to whip out my credit card to show I care.. care for a friend, care to save the world. No. 

People still appreciate a good "snail" mail. No matter what the internet brings it will never erase the joy of getting a hand written letter or card in your mailbox amongst a pile of bills, junk mail, flyers, ads, the latest and greatest new restaurant's menu. I light up every time. Just today I got a card in the mail-- with stickers on it. 25 years old and I am not going to lie. Those stickers made me smile. And what to my surprise, a greeting card. Just to say hello. No occasion-- the best kind. But there are birthday cards, and christmas cards, and note cards, fathers day, mother's day, grandparent's day, valentine's day, st patrick's day, easter. You name it CARDS. lots and lots of cards. Have a baby, here's a card. Getting engaged? Have a card. Bar Mitzvah? Here I wasted $2.50 on this to say I care. Now I am not degrading the care part. And I certainly am not saying stop all card transactions and card sending. I love it, I like it, I will continue it. But how about re-gifting these greeting cards. A new form of recycling a card. Passing it on. Like "pay it forward" but re-giving the same. Showing the care you just received because it's that good. And you care for them, your wallet, and your world.

Would you be offended? I wonder this. To get a used dirty card? A previously written on card. Second hand. Already enjoyed..something that was said to someone else. Does it loose its meaning? Is it cheap? Will you think less of me? Or will you admire me. Would you think it's smart?

Isn't there something fun in that? Interesting? Passing on a greeting card. Seeing a message heard round the US, round the world. I mean wouldn't that be a greeting card writer's dream? Okay maybe I am out of control but think of it. Cards get out dated, the run off the shelf, new cards fill old cards spot. They say different things. But this way a saying could live on. Touch so many people. Haven't you ever found a great or hilarious card you almost didn't want to give up or send because it was that good. Guilty as charged-- I know you have. Besides a candle shop smelling the worst and best candles, I can't think of anything more to do in an aisle that crack up and be touched by these cards. lame right? hey, i think its cool :) You know you do it too. And I know you have those cards. I mean I even read them to good friends before I give them. I hoard them until the last possible minute or honestly some I can't wait to give away. Can't we pass those great cards on? Is it true that the most hilarious card will stop with you? Or the way you will be touched by that sentiment will roll off your tongue to be lost in the air and headed for the trash. Is that what our thoughts are-- trash? Okay maybe I am over dramatic and a little crazy but you gotta admit it could be a thing. The next thing.  I have to make it catch on. I need your help-- you interested? I want you to want it just like me.. to get fired up.. to send your first card. Thanks for listening.

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