Tuesday, June 16, 2009

one card, one dream can happen.. make it

I've actually even thought of how to get it started... the impact to be a direct result. Although I am working out the details of how to pass it on. So many factors-- I will continue to think, you think.. and tell. Covering up the other persons writing, the envelope, the creativity that could come, the roadblocks. Can it happen. It seems so easy.. yet so much to work out. To make sense of.. But it starts with one. Just one. I give it to you.. you give it to her, she gives it to him and gets one that she gives to another him and her previous one that got given is taken from him to him and he finds another way to spin it to give it to her. Got it? Maybe you keep the message in there.. maybe you cross it out. Would you read the other persons message, would that be like sneaking a peak, trespassing? A little too personal you might think.. Okay so maybe you cut it, cut the portion off that has the writing. I mean this could get really different, the shapes you could make, the distortions of a perfectly square or rectangle card.. those cookie cutter cards. What not pass on used… and imperfections? We are in a time of economic turmoil and overload. When did perfect become what we value when it’s the little things that draw us in. Isn’t there something about finding the little things? Perfect could be argued as boring, dull. Sure.. I can buy it but really, perfect is complete, accomplished, finished. Why would we want to be finished?


Humor me--What is so great about a crisp new clean white card. Yes, the new card smell, the parched paper, its in tacked and untainted. Reminds us of.. wait it reminds me of nothing. It might actually make me feel bad right now that I am not that clean and organized, whole. Nothing but a computerized message I didn’t make up or right although when I read it, it touched me, made me laugh, cry, feel, etc. Can we be okay with just these messages, is it enough? Do we make it more fabulous by our words. Yes, some cards can say it all… and we are fine with this. What if all the cards circulating out there never had a signature or a name or another line, a salutation, an extra invitation. Maybe that would be more, make us ponder who its from, what it really meant. If I passed you a card with a rainbow on the front and BE HAPPY on the inside. What is the first thing you would think.. Here’s a dialogue.


1)    Aww.. nice to get this…

2)   What a sweet card!

3)   Someone was thinking of me

4)   Is it an occasion?

5)    Who is this from?

6)   There isn’t a name on it..

7)    That’s weird, how did it get there?

8)   Anyone see who left this?

9)   Hmm, we’ll I’ll find out, I am sure they will say something.


I can see this as clear as day… the steps. But what if you never knew who sent it to you… would you stop at #3. The most impact of them all.. "someone was thinking of me." Is that the shoulder we wanted left for us to cry on? Is that the friend we just wanted to know they were there? are you the one person who can heal my pain? My pain of thoughts...It's human nature to want this.. I can't describe it. We crave it. Approval, recognition--secretly and/or loudly--proudly. Someone to take an interested. In me.. in you. And the signature, the giver.. It matters who it was from, right? Yes, okay. But why does a meaningful thing have to mean more from one person. Why can’t it all be meaningful? Friend or foe, we need to support eachother, we try to stick together. We are one and you can be one. One card, one dream.. Are you living  your dreams?

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