Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beyond the card.. to the message, the thought

What if you run out of cards? Would you just wait for more—the next catalyst. I see it growing into what about re-using cards for that which they were not meant for. Could we expand our thoughts, could we conger up something else.. that means more, makes us laugh, see new perspectives. Search, find, belief. Would a chirstmas card joy bring you everyday joy. Would you make sense of it? Would there be fresh understanding. What if it wasn’t cards, with messages. What if it was one word. Your word. Others words. Scraps of paper. Randomness. A grocery list. A peek into your life. Everyday, ordinary becoming extraordinary. Is that what we are looking for? Not answers but direction, insight. Peering to reality, the real heart of it all—soul. Yes, soul. Facts of one life become impacts of others. Relatable = heartfelt. Maybe that’s the best type of touch. As real as it gets. A part of you, left for someone. A piece. A piece of you passed on to another to strike connection. Almost touching right? Catchy you think or way off? Something definitely could be here. What if not your words, your list, your fragments of life. It could be magazine article recycled, an ad that caught your eye, a bookmark

you read your favorite book with, a wrapper from your favorite childhood candy...I’ll sleep on it. So many things to think about to share.

Then I come to envelopes. How do we rid them? For the environment sake. Or toward the simplification of life as well. Hell, let’s eliminate stamps altogether. But that will not work, right? if you think I am reaching here to put writers out of business, why put strain on postal workers. Postcards have been effective in this elimination of an element.. Ooooo re-gift postcards. Yes.. or what about cutting them in half. Smaller post cards- more to give. And intriguing, to receive half and wonder... push yourself to imagine what the other side or half looks like. Boost brain power. Stay intellectually fit. I read so many articles about how its not just important to keep your body fit, we have to focus on keeping our mind it tip top shape. Use it or lose it. In the days of Sudoko or Brain Age & protein shake & brain boosters in our Jamba Juice…as we reflect back to Crosswords (wait don’t we still use those, still crawling with them a Patina?) Can we take a more creative, less dull approach? Can you imagine they way we can grow—stretching the imagination could add years to our life, probably (not ridiculous, believe--) fight dementia, Alzheimers’. Expand thoughts, alter views. Imagination is powerful, right? Strengthen minds. Stretch our brain, our thinking. It’s funny what could come of receiving half of something. I picture a little child and how they can run wild with thoughts. I sometime envy the creativity, “sky as the limits.” But I value my experience. But has experience, tragedy, life had us boggled down to a one track. Could it bled into other parts of our lives. Further happiness beyond the gesture we are passing. Borderline a more fulfilled life. All through this concept. Maybe that’s a stretch, a far-fetched tale but this is my thoughts, my idea, a creation. Call me crazy weird but you can’t help but wonder… decide. All the options.. I mean it just spirals out of control. Possibilities that won’t come to me or you for years. Allowing us to live longer for years as our brain power becomes greater and we let the planet live longer. Live on forever.. save the world forever…

You may ask digital is already out there. E-cards, emails. I admit I send ecards now rather than paper cards. Convenient, can be the day of ;) FREE new different fun unique digital-aged “with-the-times”-- still meaningful, appreciated..heard. But my pitch is what about the stuff that is out there and is being tossed aside. Let’s take care of it. Yes, virtual has become the route to take, the band wagon to jump… but is print more personal. You decide I guess. My thought is—hear me out—how do you re live what is already out there, it’s undeniable it exists. Don’t ignore, embrace. Let’s take responsibility for the stuff we have made and left out in the world. We recognize through ads and commercials the landfills that pile with plastic…Why create more clutter in the world?--I have enough of it. I need d-clutter in my life! Let’s build the world in a new light. Not the light of we have painted… fix the mess we have made. I don’t know. It will catch on. I know it.